Explanation | The `Day Set Formulae' are used to find the set of sexagesimal days by a `Day Code' in a set of sexagesimal years with same `Year Code' in Gregorian calendar. `y' is the solar year after `Joint of February', roughly on 4th of February in Gregorian calendar, and `m' is the solar month after `Joint of Month'. If the date is before `Joint of Month', the value of `m' is equal to previous month. Assume the `Day Code' (DC) is (U, Z) and `d' is the number of days counting from 1st of January of the year (y). `d1' is the value of `d' calculated from the value of Stem of Day (UD) and `d2' is the value of `d' calculated from the value of Root of Day (ZD). If d1=d2 and the months (m) are same, the two dates belong to same `Day Set'. The Day Set Formulae are: d1=U+5-365(y-1)-I[(y-1)/4]+I[(y-1)/100]-I[(y-1)/400]-I[(y-1)/3225] (Mod 10) & d2=Z+10-365(y-1)-I[(y-1)/4]+I[(y-1)/100]-I[(y-1)/400]-I[(y-1)/3225] (Mod 12). In the `Day Code' (U, Z), `U' is called the `Stem' of the `Day Code' and `Z' is called the `Root' of the `Day Code'. The value of `U' shows the alphabetical order of the letter that it represents. For example, U=4 means `D'. The value of `Z' is the root of the day. It shows the location and direction of the day. The root of the day is equal to the zone number in the space of the universe. `d=(Mod 10)' is a special modulated function such that the smallest value of it is 1 and the largest value of it is 10. If d>10 then `d' becomes `d-10' and if d<1 then `d' becomes `d+10'. Thus, the value range of `d=(Mod 10)' is from 1 to 10. `d=(Mod 12)' is another modulated function such that if d>12 then `d' becomes `d-12' and if d<1 then `d' becomes `d+12'. Thus, the value range of `d=(Mod 12)' is from 1 to 12. The `Day Code' (DC) can be found from the table of `Sequence Code of Day Co-ordinates' by the `Day Co-ordinates' (U,Z). |
Example | If the codes of a time strap of a date in a specified year y=1958 is `E10F7D11', find the date in Gregorian calendar. The year code YC=E10 and it can represent y=1958. The `Month Code' (MC) is `F7' and `7' stands for the root of month. It means the 7th month in Gregorian calendar. That is July. So, m=7. Note that, when m=7, it means all possible dates are the days after `Joint of July' and before `Joint of August'. The `Day Code' (DC) is `D11' and `D' stands for the stem (U) of day U=4 because `D' is the fourth letter in alphabetical order. The root (Z) of day is Z=11. Applying 1st formula, U=4 & y=1958, d1=4+5-365(1958-1)-I[(1958-1)/4]+I[(1958-1)/100]-I[(1958-1)/400]-I[(1958-1)/3225] (Mod 10). d1=9-365x1957-I[1957/4]+I[1957/100]-I[1957/400]-I[1957/3225] (Mod 10). d1=9-714305-I[489.25]+I[19.57]-I[4.89]-I[0.60] (Mod 10). d1=9-714305-489+19-4-0 (Mod 10). d1= -714770 (Mod 10). Since the number of days is 181 days (i.e. 31 days for January, 28 days for February, 31 days for March, 30 days for April, 31 days for May and 30 days for June), counting from the beginning of the year to 30th June of A.D.1958, d1=(31+28+31+30+31+30)-714770-181 (Mod 10). d1=181-714951 (Mod 10). d1=181+(71496x10-714951)+10n. d1=181+9+10n, where `n' is a non-negative integer. If n=0, d1=190. Counting from 1st January of A.D.1958 by 190 days, it is 9th July of A.D.1958. If n=1, d1=200. Counting from 1st January of A.D.1958 by 200 days, it is 19th July of A.D.1958. If n=2, d1=210. Counting from 1st January of A.D.1958 by 210 days, it is 29th July of A.D.1958. If n=3, d1=220. Counting from 1st January of A.D.1958 by 220 days, it is 8th August of A.D.1958. `Joint of August' is on 8th August, A.D.1958. If the date is before the time of `Joint of August', the root of month is still regarded as 7 (i.e. m=7). In that case, the date of 8th August, A.D.1958 is also in the set of possible solutions. Applying 2nd formula, Z=11 & y=1958, d2=11+10-365(1958-1)-I[(1958-1)/4]+I[(1958-1)/100]-I[(1958-1)/400]-I[(1958-1)/3225] (Mod 12). d2=21-365x1957-I[1957/4]+I[1957/100]-I[1957/400]-I[1957/3225] (Mod 12). d2=21-714305-I[489.25]+I[19.57]-I[4.89]-I[0.60] (Mod 12). d2=21-714305-489+19-4-0 (Mod 12). d2= -714758 (Mod 12). d2=(31+28+31+30+31+30)-714758-181 (Mod 12). d2=181-714939 (Mod 12). d2=181+(59579x12-714939)+12n. d2=181+9+12n, where `n' is a non-negative integer. If n=0, d2=190. The date is 9th July, A.D.1958. Since the date of 9th July, A.D.1958 is consistent with the 1st and 2nd Day Set Formulae, the day code `D11' stands for 9th July of A.D.1958. If the codes of a time strap of a date in a specified year y=1958 is `E10F7J1', find the date in Gregorian calendar. Applying 1st formula , U=10 & y=1958, d1=10+5-365(1958-1)-I[(1958-1)/4]+I[(1958-1)/100]-I[(1958-1)/400]-I[(1958-1)/3225] (Mod 10). d1=15-365x1957-I[1957/4]+I[1957/100]-I[1957/400]-I[1957/3225] (Mod 10). d1=15-714305-I[489.25]+I[19.57]-I[4.89]-I[0.60] (Mod 10). d1=15-714305-489+19-4-0 (Mod 10). d1= -714764 (Mod 10). Since the number of days is 181 days counting from the beginning of the year A.D.1958 to 30th June. d1=(31+28+31+30+31+30)-714764-181 (Mod 10). d1=181-714945 (Mod 10). d1=181+(71495x10-714945)+10n. d1=181+5+10n, where `n' is a non-negative integer. The possible date with day code `J1' is a day counting from 1st January of A.D.1958 by 186 days or any date consistent with m=7 and d1=181+5+10n. If n=0, d1=186. The date is 5th July, A.D.1958. The date cannot be 5th of July because 5th of July is before `Joint of July', 7th July of A.D.1958. If n=1, then d1=196. The date is 15th July, A.D.1958. If n=2, then d1=206. The date is 25th July, A.D.1958. If n=3, then d1=216. The date is 4th August, A.D.1958. Note that the date of 4th August, A.D.1958 is before `Joint of August', 8th August of A.D.1958 and the root of the month is regarded as 7 (i.e. m=7). So, the possible dates are 15th July, 25th July and 4th August of A.D.1958. Applying 2nd formula, Z=1 & y=1958, d2=1+10-365(1958-1)-I[(1958-1)/4]+I[(1958-1)/100]-I[(1958-1)/400]-I[(1958-1)/3225] (Mod 12). d2=11-365x1957-I[1957/4]+I[1957/100]-I[1957/400]-I[1957/3225] (Mod 12). d2=11-714305-I[489.25]+I[19.57]-I[4.89]-I[0.60] (Mod 12). d2=11-714305-489+19-4-0 (Mod 12). d2= -714768 (Mod 12). d2=(31+28+31+30+31+30)-714768-181 (Mod 12). d2=181-714949 (Mod 12). d2=181+(59580x12-714949)+12n. d2=181+11+12n, where `n' is a non-negative integer. The possible date with day code `J1' is a date counting from 1st January of A.D.1958 by 192 days or any date consistent with m=7 and d2=181+11+12n. If n=0, then d2=192. The date is 11th July, 1958. If n=1, then d2=204. The date is 23rd July, A.D.1958. If n=2, then d2=216. The date is 4th August, A.D.1958. Note that 4th August, A.D.1958 is before `Joint of August' (i.e. m=7). So, the possible dates are 11th July, 23rd July and 4th August of A.D.1958. The date with the time code `E10F7J1' is 4th August of A.D.1958 because it satisfies both the 1st and 2nd Day Set Formulae. In case no date is common to the first & the second Day Set Formulae within the root of the month (m), it means the time codes of the date do not really exist in that year (y). The time codes of the date may exist 60 years before that (i.e.`y-60n' years) or 60 years after that (i.e.`y+60n' years). |